Bovey Paradiso


We still need financial help to complete this exciting project. If you'd like to help by making a donation, please visit the gallery where you will also be able to view the latest exhibition, or you can donate online, just click the button below.

Your help is much appreciated.

You can also help us by signing up to ‘easyfundraising’,
which doesn’t cost you anything, to find out more click here

Also, there is the ‘Teignbridge lottery For Communities’,
with tickets only £1 / week and we get a percentage,
to find out more click here

Welcome to Bovey Paradiso

Our vision is to create a lively community arts and entertainment centre in Bovey Tracey. The restored Tudor building at the top end of Fore Street, now has a new lease of life, and on the ground floor includes an art gallery and toilet, both of which are wheelchair accessible. Please contact us regarding large powered, wheelchairs to check accessibility. There is also a meeting room seating up to eleven people and for more detail on this select top menu ‘Art Gallery’ and select ‘Meeting room hire’. On the first floor there are four studios let to local artists. Please come along and visit our gallery, exhibitions change approximately monthly, click here to see what's on and upcoming. You can also contact us on any subject using the ‘Contact us’ form by selecting it on the top menu.

Following our second community share offer which raised over £100,000, and with the grants we have obtained, we have now completed the development of phase 2 of the project. This phase of the development is a well-equipped kitchen and high-quality café restaurant area now open in the gallery. Please keep watching out for Newsletter updates advising project progress.

When funding is available, café restaurant space will be expanded and the the final phase of development will be a cinema / theatre with almost 90 seats, for more detail select top menu ‘About us’ and select ‘Plans’.

Bovey Tracey Paradiso Arts Ltd. is a charitable Community Benefit Society owned by over 400 Members holding community shares. Including donors, around 600 people in our community are stakeholders. Huge thanks go to the holders of our community shares, donors and volunteers for giving their time to make this project possible.

In addition to our community supporters, we have received support from Better Society Capital and generous funding from the grant organisations shown below.

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By providing your email address you are giving us permission for us to contact you on Bovey Paradiso matters, your email address will not be passed to any third party. Read our privacy information here

Bovey Paradiso Location

Next Event



    Thursday 27 February 2025 to Saturday 05 April 2025

      The next Paradiso Gallery show will be "A Sense of Place" and will feature the amazing "imagined" urban spaces created by Sue Williamson along with ten other talented artists who's work will explore this theme.

    Find out more

Latest News

  1. Autumn Raffle Draw

    Autumn Raffle Draw

    The draw for the grand Paradiso Autumn Raffle took place on Saturday 30th November with the winning tickets drawn by Cllr Sheila Brooke, Town Mayor. Congratulations to all our lucky winners. Bovey Paradiso Arts is a community arts centre for Bovey Tracey and the surrounding areas and the grand autumn raffle was the latest in a huge fundraising effort to finish the building work and bring this project to fruition.

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  2. Fantastic Prizes in our Autumn Raffle

    Fantastic Prizes in our Autumn Raffle

    Please support Bovey Paradiso Arts, our community arts centre, by purchasing tickets for our Autumn raffle. We have some fabulous prizes on offer including: The Rock Inn, Haytor - A two night stay for two people including an evening meal and a bottle of wine. A £250 voucher for the House of Marbles.

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  3. Artist of the week - Sarah Hoskins

    Artist of the week - Sarah Hoskins

    Saturation Point The current exhibition in the gallery highlights how artists use colour in their work, from subtle pastel shades to full saturation, a fascinating exploration of this critical element in creating art. Each week throughout the exhibition we are delighted to focus on one of the artists exhibiting their work and to offer an amazing opportunity to own an original piece of the artists work at a reduced price! Sarah Hoskins Sarah Hoskins, grew up in Devon and is now based in Bovey Tracey. In 1996 she graduated from Wimbledon School of Art, then completed a Postgraduate Diploma at the Cyprus College of Art in 2002.

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